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Fundamentals - Web Workers and Service Workers

In this episode, Wes and Scott discuss the differences between public and private schools in Denver and the challenges of getting kids into preferred schools. They then provide an overview of threads, concurrency and parallelism in programming languages and how JavaScript only has a single thread. They use examples like green screening webcams to demonstrate when you may need to offload work to other threads using web workers.

#Schools #Threads #Performance
Wes BosScott Tolinski


Potluck - Selling Themes × Which Browser Should Devs Use? × Where Do You Keep 2FA Codes? × Remix vs Svelte Kit × Getting Unstuck from Tutorial Hell

In this potluck episode, Scott and Wes answer questions on Webpack, HTML tags, TypeScript, 2FA recovery codes, JavaScript alternatives, React frameworks like Remix and SvelteKit, getting unstuck from tutorial purgatory, whether frameworks abstract away too much complexity, and strategies for keeping up with new web technologies.

#webpack #html #typescript #2fa
Wes BosScott Tolinski